Sunday, 15 February 2009

Quiz 2

Next quiz: what are they all watching??


Anonymous said...

'tain ils sont dur vos quizz! les chaises musicales j'aurai JMS devine!
Euhhh .. un gros bateau genre "croisiere"?


Audrey said...

Coucou, peut-être regardent-ils des dauphins sautant dans les vagues???
Votre blog est super. Aux prochaines aventures.

Anonymous said...

le lever du soleil !!! Il était probablement 6h28 du matin lors de la prise de vue non ?

Harriet and Sylvia said...

Bravo! Well done to spot the time ;-) Yes this was at the southern top end of India where you can see both the sunrise and the sunset! Coach load of Indian tourists arrive on the seaside by 6am to take pictures of the sunrise. The whole town gathers for the sunset and the sunrise. Quite surreal!