These orchids are called the Kandyian dancers (they look like the traditional outfit with big shoulder pads that the kandyian men wear). And a lotus flower...they are everywhere here, because of the Buddha of course.
A blessing ceremony for the 'cutting of the ground' at Mali's house. Before work is started on a house, there is a ceremony to bring good luck to the construction. It involves cooking sweet (very sweet - I think 1kg of sugar went in the pot) milk rice and sharing it. Making offering in a small homemade shrine, some prayers and making cones made of banana leaves stuffed with the rice and incense, oil, etc. for the spirits.
And a picture of us with Mali after nearly 7 months of travel (and lots of curries ;-)
Les cheveux poussent ! :-)
Aw you all look so lovely and healthy and well! Harriet's hair looks ace too! xx
ouahh 7 mois deja... le temps file file !!
c'est quoi les prochaines etapes ? retour sur l'inde et ensuite ?
plein de bisous a vous!
retour en inde,
tour du rajhasthan... curry..
cours de yoga pour moi en Octobre(je fais la formation pour etre prof ;o) et liberte totale pour Sylvia!.. curry
Puis on ira quelquepart faire du velo... indochine, on espere!
et on mangera autre chose..
et toi??? xx
ouaahh, prof de yoga !!!
tu viendras nous donner des cours particuliers apres alors, youpii !
heuu moi :)
Sylvia ne voudrait elle pas prendre des cours de massage ? :):))))
heuu moi, pas trop de curry, des epices marocaines ces temps ci.
une semaine a paris semaine prochaine, sinon avancees dans la saison 5 de LOST :) et avancees dans le boulot of course :)
plein de bisous !
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