Sunday, 2 August 2009

Sri Lanka's beasties...

We've had a tough time in Sri Lanka -

attacked successfully by dengue carrying mosquitoes from the outset...

haunted (and even poo-ed on) by the entire monster spider population of Bowata,

splatted by carelessly flying tree frogs and spied on by their cousins living in the pond down the garden and behind the picture in the bedroom (cheeky one, that!).. and then we left the relative safety of Mali's house and came across this little lot..

Cheeky monkeys keeping us on our toes as we 'relax' by the pool...

'I'm a brick and a piece of straw' chameleons...

'snake on legs' Iguanas (this picture's specially for Sylv's mum ;o)

and snake (that doesn't need legs to get up those steps)

.. add to this the population of 'surprise' loo frogs (yes, we've developed a technique involving a loo brush and a lot of patience - a sort of emergency ladder arrangement), kamikaze flying beetles and bugs and bats and it's been quite a nature holiday!

After all this, it was not a surprise to hear that the last village we were in was under attack from wild elephants, then - no sightings, (un)fortunately.

We're making good progress overcoming all our phobias though - won't flinch as we evict a spider from the bathtub ever again!


huguette said...

superbes reptiles ! Sylvia chercherait-elle à dissuader sa maman de venir la rejoindre au Sri Lanka ?

Marianthi said...

Helloooo! And oh dear, you seem to be living my worst nightmares. Glad to hear you're doing well though, regardless of the wildlife. We've really missed you. xxx